Welcome to the information superhighway.

Never before in all of human history have we experienced such a bombardment of information. We are constantly overwhelmed by immense amounts of data and information that theoretically can be extracted and retrieved with one click of a button by everyone, everywhere, at all times. However, not many know how to steadily drive on this highway.

Still, entrepreneurs who own a venture or have an idea or a product they would like to sell, as well as managers or anyone preparing a presentation, all know that robust, sound, and compelling data is irreplaceable. Also, they know that properly presenting the idea is what convinces consumers, investors, and institutions to believe in it and to take action – quite a challenging task in today’s saturated markets and floods of information.


quite a challenging task!


The best way to deal with this task is know how to tell the story, to get the information work for you.


This is what we do best.

WWe get your data to work for you – in a presentation or in a business report.


We find the right data, and we make it tell the story in the right way and to engage your audience.

Our team of professionals comprises experts in simplifying data: BI , data and visual analysts, as well as simulation and visualization pundits.

We know how to harness the infinite ocean of data and information and transform them into a powerful engine that has one sole purpose – to back you up and support your goal.

We produce intelligent, goal-oriented data and present it professionally. And so often this is what makes the difference between a great idea that wins support, realization, and funding and one that gets shelved.

Jude Barak picuture

A successful business, among other parameters, is led by managers who are able to make decisions based on well presented data together with intuition.


I reached an understanding of how powerful Excel actually is while working for a company specializing in damage recovery. I needed up-to-the-minute data and there was no time for making mistakes.


Furthermore, I had to present the data in more than one way – depending on the position of my audience: My Boss, the Insurance Company or the client.


I thoroughly studied everything possible about these amazing tools, Excel & PowerPoint, and since, it has never failed to yield anything but the best output.”


Jude Barak,

Owner and CEO

We should present insights, not data!


The truth is I am not fond of numbers. I do like efficiency of thought, logic, and Jigsaw puzzles. This is probably the reason I like data visualization and business intelligence – because it’s like a Jigsaw puzzle, only on a very large scale. All the pieces are there, so why not put them together to create a beautiful picture?


I believe that grasping the full picture helps us improve and makes us better at whatever it is we do. Making decisions based on intuition is an important ability, but combine intuition with accurate data and you get success.


 Most enthralling for managers are those times when their intuition is confirmed by the numbers. However, in cases when the data does not conform to an intuition, that is wonderful too, as you have just saved yourself from aggravation, trials, and tribulation – not to mention the costs. So many times great ideas are “killed” due to a lack of understanding of the business process and how to make it work.


Whenever you need to turn your data into knowledge, and that knowledge into a decision-making tool – I am happy to guide the way.


Let the data back you up! And what better way to do that than by telling a compelling story wrapped in a neat, professional, effective presentation.

I live and operate from Israel, where I founded my presentation consultancy ExcelLeader in 2013. Since then, I accompany my clients, both in Israel and in many other countries.


I invite you see my own articles/ as well as my co-founded NonDataPeeps.com” project.

NonDataPeeps.com is a joint venture with my dear colleague and friend, Linda C. Gross of Impact Communications focusing on presenting data to “non-data” people.

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