Files to download

Telling the Data Story

Telling the data story is one of my greatest passions.

Especially when the audience is not “Data Savvy.”

Whether I create presentations for companies, talk about the topic at conferences, or teach in tailor-made Workshops, I feel I can share this passion with others.

Files for the 11th Global Executive Assistant Summit - Dubai, June 2023

Full PowerPoint Presentation

Work file – PowerPoint

Data file – Excel

Getting started with AI & Chat gpt

A conversation I had with one of the participants made me create the following short, very informal video for those of you who are interested in starting to work with AI, with Chat GPT.

I hope it will encourage you to start using this tool, that weather we like it or not – is going to become a necessary tool in any EA’s toolkit.



Data Viz

Navigating Chart Chaos

Why Excel Skills are Essential in Today’s Data-Driven World In the fast-paced arena of modern business, the ability to convey complex data through charts is

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